
Health Benefits of Feijoa

With the scientific name of Acca sellowiana , the feijoa has a round to oblong shape, a thick, smooth or wrinkled skin, greyish green or olive green. It has a white and gelatinous pulp.

It is a fruit with a sweet flavor and a little acid, but very pleasant and gives off a lovely perfume. The flavor can be reminiscent of pineapple and strawberry. Feijoa is a fruit native to southern Brazil, but has been spread across several countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America, in addition to being well known in New Zealand. Feijoa, or Guava Serrana, has great therapeutic properties, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

The fruit received the name of guava-serrana or guava da Serra, for being similar to the common guava only in its external part. With the pulp of the feijoa, it is possible to produce jellies, jellies and juices. Also, flowers are used to decorate salads, cakes and dishes.

For some time, the fruit served as food for some ethnic groups in southern Brazil, where the fruit is native. The part of the plant that is most used by people is the fruit, which can be consumed fresh or processed in different ways. In some places where the feijoa is not suitable for consumption, the part that is used is the flowers. In New Zealand, for example, there are thirteen products derived from feijoa, such as: sparkling wines, pure juices, sauces and jellies.

Feijoa is most frequently found in areas with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, together with the formation of forests and araucaria forests.


Feijoa contains several vitamins, such as vitamin C, which is very important to strengthen the immune system and help prevent some seasonal respiratory infections; vitamin D; Complex B vitamins; folic acid and some minerals such as iodine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Very popular in New Zealand, the fruit was part of some studies at the University of Auckland. Researchers have identified the presence of antioxidants. These substances fight free radicals, which helps to control and prevent factors associated with aging. Antioxidants, by helping the immune system, have an antimicrobial action, increasing the fight against bacteria and viruses.

A study carried out in Japan stated that feijoa can fight some types of cancer and also prevent autoimmune diseases due to the presence of polyphenols in the fruit.


1. Feijoa for pregnant women

Feijoa is considered a healthy fruit for pregnant women. It is rich in folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women, as it helps in the fetal neural formation, and can also protect against anemia. Two problems that can be alleviated with regular consumption of feijoa are fatigue and dizziness, which are associated with anemia, as feijoa is rich in iron and mineral salts, essential in the gestation period.

2.Feijoa for intestinal problems

Feijoa is good for reducing constipation, as it has a fibrous content that is used to relieve some intestinal ailments. The fruit relieves constipation and can also ensure that you don’t suffer from flatulence.

3.Feijoa for metabolism

Feijoa contains a high amount of iodine and is highly recommended for anyone suffering from a deficiency of this substance. For people with hypothyroidism, the fruit can be quite interesting, as iodine deficiency can lead to a slowdown in metabolism. The low amount of this mineral salt in the body can cause excessive weight gain, dry skin, weakness, greater sensitivity to cold, constipation and depression.

4.Feijoa to memory

If consumed regularly, feijoa can help stimulate brain stimulation and delay the onset of degenerative cognitive disorders associated with a decline in neuronal activity, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The fruit is very suitable for elderly people who have been diagnosed with an early stage of dementia and also for early or advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

5.Feijoa against Free Radicals

 Feijoa protects the body against free radicals. Fruit is rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants, which can normally reduce oxidative stress. This action results in a lower incidence of free radical damage. These damages are known to cause premature aging.

6.Feijoa to prevent cold

Regular consumption of feijoa fruit helps prevent the famous colds, as the fruit can boost immunity. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which, in good amounts, prevents colds and some other common ailments.

7.Feijoa can help prevent cancer

The fruit improves the oxygen levels present in the cells and helps to combat some negative effects related to stress. This improvement in oxygen levels reduces the incidence of free radical damage. Thus, it ends up reducing the risk of cancer.

8.Feijoa for smoother, smoother skin

The cosmetics industry started using the fruit extract in many products, such as: masks, creams, lipsticks and sprays. This use occurs due to the high level of nutrients present in feijoa. The pulp, together with the seeds of this fruit, can serve as a natural exfoliant for the face and body, thus leaving the skin smoother, thinner and smoother.

9.Feijoa to help reduce symptoms of Depressive Disorders

Fruit is made up of vitamins that are extremely necessary for the body to function, as well as many vital nutrients. A recent study suggested that consuming three servings of feijoa fruit or its derivatives regularly may reduce the risk of depression. All this is due to the presence of some compounds that serve as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, as well as resveratrol. Therefore, it helps to improve memory and reduces stress and anxiety levels.


Feijoa should be planted in a place with good soil, preferably with direct sunlight. It normally adapts to different types of soil, as long as the soil is well ventilated and drained. Germination takes place between 1 and 4 months. Feijoa germinates easily from seeds planted in a well-ventilated soil with good quality soil. Just drill little four-inch holes in vitamin-rich soil, then place the seeds in and cover. Feijoa will only start bearing fruit from the fourth year onwards; before that, she will only be able to offer flowers with a very pleasant aroma and a striking color.


Feijoa flowers have red, fleshy petals. The petals can be used in salads. As they are very tasty, they are appreciated by some birds, such as the Gray Tan and the Precious Saíra. Showy flowers are widely used for decoration of parties, receptions, meetings, weddings and for ornamentation.


Feijoa is a fruit tree, also known as a shrub. Tree native to highland regions in southern Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Feijoa is from the same family as Pitanga and Jabuticaba. The tree has a branched trunk and gray bark. It can reach from 2 to 5 meters in height. The tree canopy is dense. The leaves are opposite, at the top the leaf is green and at the bottom the leaf is pale. It blooms in summer, with red blossoms. The flowers can be alone or in bunches.

Fruits usually ripen in autumn. To find out if the fruit can already be picked, it must be passed daily to see if it is soft and easily detaches from the branch. The feijoa, once harvested, must be consumed within two weeks. The fruits are full of seeds, similar to guava. Both fruit and flowers can be consumed.



  1. Feijoa ice cream
  2. Feijoa jelly
  3. Bean sparkling wine
  4. Feijoa Juice
  5. Feijoa Liqueur
  6. bean tea


Feijoa contains a high concentration of iodine. Therefore, the fruit is used in prophylactic medicine to prevent diseases in the thyroid glands. The fruit is also used in teas for the same purpose.


Feijoa has an antioxidant action and, for this reason, it is used in anti-aging and anti-aging products. Feijoa properties are present in creams, masks and other media.

Feijoa Harms

Feijoa contains a lot of iodine and sucrose. Therefore, people who suffer from increased thyroid gland function (hyperthyroidism) and people with diabetes, should eat the fruit in moderation.


  1. When it is ripe, the feijoa has a green color.
  2.  The flavor of feijoa becomes more attractive in regions with low temperatures.
  3. The fruit is also consumed by animals.
  4. Feijoa is easily found at points of sale in Colombia, as it is a very important product for the country’s economy.
  5. In Brazil, more in the Serra Gaúcha, feijoa is known as pineapple guava, wild guava, mountain guava, among other names.


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Robert Asprin, APD is a non-dieting Accredited Practicing Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviors to help improve health while nurturing relationships with food and body.

Robert Asprin

Robert Asprin, APD is a non-dieting Accredited Practicing Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviors to help improve health while nurturing relationships with food and body.

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