
Guava Cortibel Health Benefits

The Cortibel guava is a variety of guava created in the Holy Spirit, more precisely in the town of Santa Teresa, mountainous region of the state. Its name is closely linked to those of its creators: José Corti and Isabel Corti were responsible for generating this super guava in Espírito Santo. Together with a plant and seedling company, the couple has developed new cultivars that are duly registered with the RNC (National Cultivar Registry), of the Ministry of Agriculture, since 2015. New varieties of theft, from the guava cortibel, continue to be researched for new types can be elaborated.

The first cultivation of cortibel guava began in 1991, in Valão de São Pedro, in Santa Teresa. There, the couple José and Isabel began to cross Brazilian guavas with approximately 30 seedlings of an Australian species brought from São Paulo. After these first tests, new changes were made based on cloning, making it possible to produce a smoother, reddish and tasty variety, until reaching what it is known as a tasty, crunchy and aperitif fruit.


The great advantage of this variety is that it offers a much larger fruit than normal and can reach up to a kilo. In addition, a single cortibel guava tree can reach 12 centimeters in height and generate 120 to 150 kilograms of fruit per plant in the adult stage. Another characteristic that is very common to all cortibel guava varieties is its high productivity and excellent resistance to pests and exposure after harvesting. In addition, production can be programmed, as, after the guava tree is pruned, the sprouts start to grow in 20 days.

There are already some other types of cortibel guava. But, in general, the cortibel guava has a greenish external appearance, and what differentiates them is precisely its more or less rough appearance and color. The cortibel RG guava, for example, is marked for being large and wrinkled, in addition to having a very firm pulp and excellent appearance. The SLG cortibel, which means large semi-smooth, has a red color that is more intense to the pink color, has almost no wrinkles and is excellent for import.

There is another species that is a compromise between them, which is the cortibel RM, with a medium roughness. Its trees are considered very productive. Another species that is already being commercialized is the white cortibel RM, which is similar to the previous one, but its pulp is completely white.


The properties of guava cortibel are extremely healthy for humans. This variety is very rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and especially C, in addition to substances such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and soluble fiber. The guava cortibel, with such properties, helps fight various diseases, infections and hemorrhages, in addition to strengthening bones and teeth and helping to heal wounds. Let’s see in detail all the benefits of cortibel guava:

Source of lycopene: present in the plasma and tissues of the human body, lycopene is not found in all red foods, but it is abundant in guava. It is a powerful antioxidant used to prevent various types of cancer and to stop the formation of fatty plaques in blood vessels;

Increases blood production: Cortibel guava has among its benefits the possibility of improving the blood production capacity in the body, due to the presence of various substances such as vitamin E, K, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, in addition to minerals such as iron, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium, which help in blood formation;

Ally for those who want to lose weight: because it has a lot of fiber, guava provides a greater feeling of satiety to the stomach, making the person eat less and avoid eating between meals. This makes the person end up losing weight, as it reduces the amount of unhealthy food eaten. In addition, the fiber present in the fruit helps to improve the digestive tract and clean the intestine, removing residues that can be harmful;

It works against physical exhaustion: those who suffer from this problem and get tired easily during the day should eat more guava. The fruit helps combat this feeling by providing you with more energy in a healthy way, without the need for tonics.


Before cultivating cortibel guava, it is important to know how to buy cortibel guava seedlings. As it is originally Brazilian and has an exclusivity contract with only one company, it will be necessary to get in touch with it or with a specialized store that does the resale. To buy the cortibel guava seedling, contact Frutcafé, which is responsible for researching and reproducing this variety.

With the guava cortibel seedlings in hand, you can start the cultivation, but pay attention to the recommendations. Despite adapting to different types of soil, this variety does better on clayier terrains. Another issue is the climate, which cannot be too cold, as the plant does not adapt to places where frost occurs, for example. The hotter the temperature, the better the guava tree reproduces.

The plant should occupy an average of 18 to 35 square meters, which will require a spacing of approximately 7 mx 5 m, 6 mx 5 m, 7 mx 4.5 m, 7 mx 3 m, 6 mx 3 m. If the handling is done with the aid of machines, it is recommended to increase the space between the rows.

Plant formation usually occurs within the first 12 months, with about four strides in opposite directions. To help guide the branches it is recommended that pruning be done regularly. With regard to production, the first pruning should take place between 12 and 18 months of age of the plants. On average, guava plants have approximately eight months between pruning and another, corresponding to around 1.5 harvests a year.

Check out other types of guava:

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Robert Asprin, APD is a non-dieting Accredited Practicing Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviors to help improve health while nurturing relationships with food and body.

Robert Asprin

Robert Asprin, APD is a non-dieting Accredited Practicing Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviors to help improve health while nurturing relationships with food and body.

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